Introduction to Data Structures

Data Structures The logical or mathematical model of a particular organization of data is called Data Structures.

Data Types vs Data Structures

Data Types Data Structures
Data Type is the kind or form of a variable which is being used throughout the program. It defines that the particular variable will assign the values of the given data type only. Data Structure is the collection of different kinds of data. That entire data can be represented using an object and can be used throughout the entire program.
Implementation through Data Types is a form of abstract implementation. Implementation through Data Structures is called concrete implementation.
Can hold values and not data, so it is data less. Can hold different kind and types of data within one single object.
Values can directly be assigned to the data type variables. The data is assigned to the data structure object using some set of algorithms and operations like push, pop and so on.
No problem of time complexity. Time complexity comes into play when working with data structures.
Examples: int, float, double etc. Examples: stacks, queues, tree etc.

Types of Data Structure
Primitive Data Structure – Those basic data structures which are pre-defined in standard library. It can store the value of only one data type. It cannot contain null values. ie – int, char, float etc.

Non-Primitive Data Structure – Those data structures which are user-defined (except strings) which can be easily created or modified by user. They can store multiple values and invoke methods to perform certain operations. ie – string, array etc.

Data Structures Types Image

Linear Data Structure In linear data structure data is organized in sequential order.

Types of linear Data Structure
Static Data Structure – A static data structure is an organization or collection of data in memory which have a fixed size, that is, it can store a limited amount of elements or data in it. ie – array, string.

Dynamic Data Structure – A dynamic data structure is an organization or collection of data in memory which do not have a fixed size, that is, its size can be modified during the operations performed on it and can store a variable amount of elements or data in it. ie – linked list, queue, stack etc.

Types of Dynamic Data Structure

Non-linear Data Structure – In non-linear data structure data is organized in random order.

Types of non-linear data structures
Difference between linear and non-linear data structure

Linear Data Structure Non-Linear Data Structure
In a linear data structure, data elements are arranged in a linear order where each and every element is attached to its previous and next adjacent. In a non-linear data structure, data elements are attached in hierarchically manner.
In linear data structure, single level is involved. Whereas in non-linear data structure, multiple levels are involved.
Its implementation is easy in comparison to non- linear data structure. While its implementation is complex in comparison to linear data structure.
In linear data structure, data elements can be traversed in a single run only. While in non-linear data structure, data elements can't be traversed in a single run only.
In a linear data structure, memory is not utilized in an efficient way. While in a non-linear data structure, memory is utilized in an efficient way.
Applications of linear data structures are mainly in application software development. Applications of non-linear data structures are in Artificial Intelligence and image processing.
ie – array, stack, queue, linked list, etc. ie – trees, graphs, heaps, dictionaries, tries, maps etc.

Application of Data Structures



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